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I first want to thank http://presentsofmind.wordpress.com/2012/02/02/paying-it-forward/ AKA Zephyr nominated me for the Versatile Blogger Award. She did this on the 2nd of February. I am very slow at doing anything about this. February has been a tough month for me. As much as I tried to stay focused on positive healthy thoughts, somehow my body was insistent on acting sick. I somehow managed to post a blog on the 14th Valentines day that brought a great number of wonderful comments to me about my writings. Thank you all for those wonderful comments. I kept thinking I was going to do this post and pass this award on to 15 new people, but just keeping up with work and life was more than I could do. I was enjoying reading some posts and commenting some, but I left a lot of blogs with nothing or a simple like. This is why I am honored and totally embarrassed. My blog has laid baron with the same post up for almost two weeks. I am glad to say I can now breathe easily, the coughing is at a bare minimum, and I am feeling much better. Thank goodness. I am actually typing up this post. So now I need to make a list of 15 blogs that I so much enjoy, and link you to them. I also need to figure out the whole blog roll thing. Yes I have not figured that out either, sooo… All of this said this is going to be two post job for me. I promise to get right on this right away. Tomorrow morning I will post the rest of this and link to my favorite blogs. I have a list that has been forming for some time in my head. Now I just have to get it out of my head and onto this page.

Thank you for your patience, and Peace and Harmony, Sj